

Sony PS3 price down, the United States Defense Department bought 2.200 pieces PS3 for Upgrade The Supercomputer

PS3 price decrease is exciting news for game lovers in the world. Not only that, it's moments like that eagerly awaited by the United States Defense Department to buy up the PS3 in large enough quantities. They say the department has brought the PS3 unit 2200.

A number of PS3 units this was deliberately purchased for the purpose of designing supercomputer, which is believed that the PS3 is much better if they had to buy IBM product. Besides the price too far adrift, the Defense Department needs were adequately met with the PS3.

This is not the first conducted by the Department of Defense which has been using the PS3 console to its supercomputer. A number of units of the new PS3 console is deliberately used to complement the existing shortage of needs in which initially only available 336 units of the PS3 which has been used by the United States Air Force. According Justification Review Documents, purchases made according to this budget is enough owned by the Department of Defense.

Just imagine, for a single 1U server is configured with dual 3.2GHz processor speed will cost around 8000 USD or around 80 million rupiah, while to buy 2 units of the PS3 console will cost only 600 USD, or approximately 6 million rupiah. Very adrift far not much is it?!

When viewed in terms of performance, 1 cell 3.2 GHz processor speed can be provided more than 200 GFLOPS, while the Sony PS3 configuration provides approximately 150 GFLOPS, which is approximately ten times the difference in cost per GFLOP so certain that choose console Sony PS3 is the way best conducted by the Department of Defense that could be used for HPC applications.
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ardi33 said...

mumet kalo harus baca inggris...
kayake gw pertama neeeh..cihuii

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

gak adikted sama game saya...

paling ya CS ato COD, hehehe

admin said...

manteb tu kayaknya...
thanks 4 U information
tetap semangat berkarya

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